The Villa Rothschild in Cannes
Le Jardin de la Sixième Extinction
Le Jardin de la Sixième Extinction represents a journey through the history of the relationship between the Earth and humans, and questions the place of our sensitivity to the environment of tomorrow's world.
Millions of years ago, primitive life forms appeared on Earth. Thanks to a process of evolution, living organisms, subjected to their environment, have since then never ceased to transform themselves and have generated a variety of species cohabiting on the planet. Man took his place in this ensemble some 200,000 years ago. Since then, he has been learning from the Earth. Fear, fascination, observation, experimentation, accidents... He has known how to use nature to gradually try to tame it. But the planet has been progressively shaken by the human activity always more intensive. Man is now faced with a dilemma: to continue the unbridled consumption of resources drawn from the Mother Earth that gave him life or to reconnect with nature by returning to the original balance. This is the story told by our dry garden.

Client : Alpes-Maritimes departmental council (06)
Surface area : 500 m² (500 sq.m)
Amount of work : NC
Schedule : competition Winner 2017
Team : design, realization, sculpture by David Simonson and Jules Lefrère ; realization : Pierre Lavaud, Johan Laskowski, Jean-Phillipe Joncourt, Pablo Boudier and Sylvie Wheeler
Garden realized with the help of the Pépinière des Baisses, la carrière Distripierres, Mul – Les Carrières de la Siagne
Categories: dry garden, xerophytic plants, anthropocene garden, rockfill, earth sculpture