Eco-district ZAC de l'Arsenal in Rueil-Malmaison
The Rain Garden (Lot A1)
The water flows from the roofs through the rain chains. These connect the roofs to the valleys. They stage the water that flows towards the basin. The central and floodable garden fluctuates according to the regular and centennial rains. These volumes and uses change with the rains, which modify its aspect: transforming the Japanese steps into a small bridge. To the south is an edible garden with vegetable gardens, palmette fruit trees and a fence dressed with edible vines. The common terrace, in full sun, has aromatic and flowering vegetation. The roofs are colonized by native plants that promote biodiversity and air conditioning of the building. It is a multi-purpose garden accessible to all residents.

Owner: SCCV Rueil ZAC de l'Arsenal A1 (92), Quartus
Surface area: 5,500 m² (5,500 sq.ft.)
Amount of work : NC
Schedule: competition Winner November 2021 - delivery 2024
Team: Hérault Arnod Architects, SEMPERVIRENS (competition and preliminary design: David Simonson), Quartus
Categories: eco-district, green terrace, vegetable garden, rainwater, rainwater basins, building complex, collective housing